Buyers looking for larger homes aren’t just looking for square footage, but the “right” combination of style, features and amenities that improve their lifestyle.


Matt Sheridan, real estate consultant for Your ATL Agents, is a recent upsizer himself and has a lot of advice on how to best approach the need for more space and where to look for it. “I recently moved my family of four from a condo in Buckhead to a four-bedroom in Dunwoody and doubled my square footage. But before we toured homes, I looked at a number of important considerations: Interest rates, schools, commute time, neighborhood amenities, property taxes, and a lot more. The successful transition from a small space to a larger one depends on anticipating the financial, lifestyle, and personal factors that come with this type of move.”

Matt enjoys introducing his upsizer clients to Atlanta’s many distinctive neighborhoods and finding the home that best suits their changing needs.

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